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Install Scrutiny ​

Scrutiny is a modern web UI S.M.A.R.T disk monitoring service that periodically monitor your unRAID drives array, including disk temperature.

An alternative would be DiskBenchmark. While it is very informative and even show the controller where the disk is attached to, it has older interface and does not support notification if a disk SMART status is problematic.


As of July 2022, linuxserver deprecate supporting scrutiny container image as mentioned in To run the latest version, it is recommended to use docker-compose method instead.

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Quick Info ​

Web UIhttp://<UNRAID_IP>:8080

Alternative ​

It is recommended to use DiskSpeed to get more details about the HDD hardware controller or benchmark diagnosis. Scrutiny is best used as monitoring tool.

Screenshot of DiskSpeed. alt text

Install as docker-compose Stack ​

Create a docker-compose stack and pass in the drives. The following is an example of me passing in 8 drives.

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version: '3.5'

    container_name: scrutiny
      - SYS_RAWIO
      - "8801:8080" # webapp
      - "8802:8086" # influxDB admin
      - /run/udev:/run/udev:ro
      - ./config:/opt/scrutiny/config
      - ./influxdb:/opt/scrutiny/influxdb
      - "/dev/sda"
      - "/dev/sdb"
      - "/dev/sdc"
      - "/dev/sdd"
      - "/dev/sde"
      - "/dev/sdf"
      - "/dev/sdg"
      - "/dev/sdh"
      - "/dev/sdi"
      - "/dev/sdj"

Access the UI at http://<UNRAID_IP>:8080

Web UI ​

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Click on a disk and it will show its S.M.A.R.T report. By default it will only show critical S.M.A.R.T. attributes as highlighted in Yellow.

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Click the Show all attributes text to show all the attributes instead.

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You can also click the info icon next to each attribute and it would expand and explain it! Very neat feature.

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Notification ​

Scrutiny support sending notification via webhook in case any drive failures is detected.


Troubleshooting ​

Not all drives shows up ​

Scrutiny might not show up all drives at first. If after 3 minutes and if those drives still doesn't showed up, login to the container console and run the following command. @ref:

scrutiny-collector-metrics run