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Overview ​

Supported Platforms:

  • Microsoft Xbox 360

Compatibility List ​

Some games such as Blue Dragon requires changing some GPU settings in the emulator configuration file xenia-canary.config.toml to make it run without crash.

gpu = "d3d12"
mount_cache = true
mount_scratch = true
clear_memory_page_state = true

Downloads ​

Download xenia-canary ( which is more frequently updated instead of xenia-master.

Last update of xenia-master is September 2023 as of time of writing.

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xenia-canary was last updated on March 22, 2024 at the time of writing.

Run the emulator executable xenia_canary.exe.

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Emulator Setup ​

Controls ​

Xenia do not have any UI wizard to customize key bindings, instead you can configure those keys from the configuration file named xenia-canary.config.toml, and within the section [HID.WinKey]

Open the configuration file and replace all the content:

The keycodes are Virtual-Key Codes used in Windows, you can refer to the full list here

keybind_a = "0xA0"                                	# List of keys to bind to A, separated by spaces
keybind_b = "0x5A"                                	# List of keys to bind to B, separated by spaces
keybind_back = "0x35"                             	# List of keys to bind to BACK, separated by spaces
keybind_dpad_down = "0x62"                        	# List of keys to bind to DPAD_DOWN, separated by spaces
keybind_dpad_left = "0x64"                        	# List of keys to bind to DPAD_LEFT, separated by spaces
keybind_dpad_right = "0x66"                       	# List of keys to bind to DPAD_RIGHT, separated by spaces
keybind_dpad_up = "0x68"                          	# List of keys to bind to DPAD_UP, separated by spaces
keybind_guide = "0x74"                            	# List of keys to bind to GUIDE, separated by spaces
keybind_left_shoulder = "0x20"                    	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_SHOULDER, separated by spaces
keybind_left_thumb = "0x41"                       	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_THUMB_PRESSED, separated by spaces
keybind_left_thumb_down = "0x28"                  	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_THUMB_DOWN, separated by spaces
keybind_left_thumb_left = "0x25"                  	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_THUMB_LEFT, separated by spaces
keybind_left_thumb_right = "0x27"                 	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_THUMB_RIGHT, separated by spaces
keybind_left_thumb_up = "0x26"                    	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_THUMB_UP, separated by spaces
keybind_left_trigger = "0x58"                     	# List of keys to bind to LEFT_TRIGGER, separated by spaces
keybind_right_shoulder = "0x43"                   	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_SHOULDER, separated by spaces
keybind_right_thumb = "0x53"                      	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_THUMB_PRESSED, separated by spaces
keybind_right_thumb_down = "0x46"                 	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_THUMB_DOWN, separated by spaces
keybind_right_thumb_left = "0x44"                 	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_THUMB_LEFT, separated by spaces
keybind_right_thumb_right = "0x47"                	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_THUMB_RIGHT, separated by spaces
keybind_right_thumb_up = "0x52"                   	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_THUMB_UP, separated by spaces
keybind_right_trigger = "0x56"                    	# List of keys to bind to RIGHT_TRIGGER, separated by spaces
keybind_start = "0x31"                            	# List of keys to bind to START, separated by spaces
keybind_x = "0xA2"                                	# List of keys to bind to X, separated by spaces
keybind_y = "0xA4"                                	# List of keys to bind to Y, separated by spaces

The virtual keys 0xXX above for keyboard are mapped to XBox controller buttons as follows:

LAlt: Y
LShift: A
z: B

Space: Left Trigger
c: Right Trigger

x: Left Bumper
v: Right Bumper

F5: Guide
5: Back
1: Start

a: Left Analog Press
s: Right Analog Press

Also set the [HID].hid from any to winkey since we wanted to use the key bindings defined in the [HID.WinKey] section.

guide_button = true                               	# Forward guide button presses to guest.
hid = "winkey"                                    	# Input system. Use: [any, nop, sdl, winkey, xinput]
vibration = false                                 	# Toggle controller vibration.


Previously I thought these key bindings are hard coded into the emulator itself, before I discovered about the configuration file.

The following are kept for historical purposes where the community tries to figure out the key bindings.

The only clue is from Reddit post here ( or look at Xenia source code (

RocketLauncher Setup ​

Launchbox Setup ​

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Paste the following to Running Script section for key mappings.

; Activate full screen
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe xenia_canary.exe,,5
IfWinExist, ahk_exe xenia_canary.exe
	Sleep, 1000 ; wait before activate
	Send {F11}

; ---------------------
; Key Bindings
; ---------------------




	WinClose, ahk_exe xenia_canary.exe

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