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Overview ​

vJoy creates a virtual joystick that can map keyboard keys to virtual gamepad. It can also be used to configure using mouse as wheel.

Install Vjoy ​

  1. Download by jshafer81 here.

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Read on why the latest release didn’t work.

  1. Launch Configure vJoy from Start Menu after configuration.

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  1. vJoy configuration screen.

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Read next to install Mouse2Vjoy if you want to map mouse to vJoy.


I highly recommended to use UCR to map mouse to vJoy instead of Mouse2Vjoy. Read here for more information.

Install Mouse2Vjoy ​

Download from

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Extract it to Launchbox/All-On folder for better organization.

Run the executable MouseToVjoyOverhaul.exe.

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Press the top left X button to start mouse2vjoy program. Yes it is misleading 🙂

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Once started, it should show a checkmark on the top left.

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