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Overview ​

Supported Platforms:

  • NEC PC-98

There are several emulators that can emulate this system:

  • Neko Project II Kai - Unofficial, available as RetroArch Core, support cue but emulator might just hang at Select how many files menu.
  • Neko Project II (np2fmgen) - Official, latest update is Sep 2023
  • np21w* - Best recommended because it support cd rom images, and it is also last updated Sep 2023

I chose np2w

Comparison of different PC-98 emulator

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Neko Project II (np2fmgen) ​

Refer to the following sites for more info on setting it up:

Download emulator from


  • Has the best sound emulation support using fmgen.dll.


  • No cdrom support

np2w ​

This is the best tutorial to set this emulator:


  • Has cdrom support via IDE#2

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  • More core count option

Downloads ​

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Emulator Folder ​

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Emulator Configuration ​

Increase CPU Speed

Go to Emulate > Configure and set core to 32

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Configure DIP Switch

Some games require setting CPU speed to exactly 2.5MHz such as Touhou games, so open np2w.ini and change DIPswtch to 3e f3 6b

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Enable save states

Modify np21w.ini and add STATSAVE=true under [NekoProject21] section.

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  • You have to press Reset after changing HDD/CD Rom
  • Only IDE#2 can load cd images (.ccd, .cue, .iso), IDE#0, #1, and #3 can only load HDD images.
  • Always choose HDD image over Floppy disk images since some might require manual install

Play CD-ROM Game ​

If you only have CD-ROM image file but is missing the HDD file, which is the case if you download it from Erista Myrient redump, use the YAHDI HDD image from here, then go to Harddisk > IDE#0 and select that image.

Read for more information

Launchbox Setup ​

I created AHKv2 script to launch NEC-9801 games due to their multi format boot launch option. A game might have floppy disk, cartridge, HDD or CD-ROM format, and each format require different boot selection options.

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