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Asphxia CORE ​

Asphxia CORE is a e-Amusement server.

Install Asphxia-Core ​

  1. Download Asphxia CORE from

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  1. Extract it to a dedicated folder where you put all Arcade PC emulator server.

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  1. Download asphyxia-core plugins from

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  1. Extract it to the plugins folder in asphyxia-core in step 2.

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  1. Run the executable asphyxia-core-x64.exe to start the server.

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  1. It will automatically open a webpage using your browser. If not, go to http://localhost:8083/

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  1. Run spicecfg.exe and set Service URL to http://localhost:8083.

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  1. Make sure to check Force Touch

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My key config

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