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Install Dozzle ​

Dozzle is a web service that aggregates all docker container logs in one window. unRAID by default will always open a new window for each container logs. Dozzle effectively declutters the amount of browser window that you need to open!

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Quick Info ​

Web UIhttp://<UNRAID_IP>:8810
Official Website
Admin UsernameSet in /mnt/user/appdata/dozzle/users.yml
Admin PasswordSet in /mnt/user/appdata/dozzle/users.yml

Install on unRAID ​

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You shouldn't need to modify any value in the template.

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Check that it is up and running.

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Create User File ​

Open unRAID console, then go to /mnt/user/appdata/dozzle and create a file named users.yml

  admin: # "admin" here is username
    name: "Admin"
    # Just sha-256 which can be computed with "echo -n <YOUR_PASSWORD> | shasum -a 256"
    password: "5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8"
    email: [email protected]

Login ​

You’ll see a very simple login form. Login using the username and password created in the users.yml file.


The page after login. I was surprised to see it already automatically populate all the containers thanks to the docker socket that we passed into it.


Cool Features ​

Merge All Logs ​

A very cool feature is to merge all logs from a stack into one single panel, instead of separate panel for each. No more opening different window for different container logs in unRAID!


Pinning Container ​

You can also pin the container by clicking the Star icon, which will move that container to the top Pinned section. Great to filter out those containers that you will often look at such as the Starr App.

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