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Overview ​

Supported Platforms:

  • ...

Status ​

  • Game ID: SDDT
  • Aime Physical Card Reader: YES

Known Issues ​

Download Game ​

Download Bright Memory Act. 3 from This link is referred from


DO NOT DOWNLOAD FROM Arcade Punks, it won't work and not get past the boot screen, plus that version Ongeki+ is older than Bright Memories! Download a clean arcade dump from Arcade Punks.

Extract and the game folder should look like:

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Game Loader - Segatools ​

Download segatools, extract to your <ONGEKI_PLUS_GAME_DIR>\package folder.

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Configuration ​

Path Remapping ​

Create three folders: amfs, option, and appdata

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Networking ​

Set [dns].default to your PC LAN IP.

; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here.
; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected.

Controls ​

Default controls

Arcade ButtonsKeyboard Key
Left RED buttonA
Left GREEN buttonS
Left BLUE buttonD
Right RED buttonJ
Right GREEN buttonK
Right BLUE buttonL
Level (move to the left)Mouse Left Click
Level (move to the right)Mouse Right Click
Left Menu buttonU
Right Menu buttonO

I changed it to:

Arcade ButtonsKeyboard Key
Left RED buttonZ
Left GREEN buttonX
Left BLUE buttonV
Right RED buttonW
Right GREEN buttonI
Right BLUE buttonK
Level (move to the left)Mouse Move L
Level (move to the right)Mouse Move R
Left Menu buttonLeft CTRL
Right Menu buttonJ
Left SideN
Right Side,

Game Server Setup ​

Version IDVersion Name
1O.N.G.E.K.I. +
4O.N.G.E.K.I. R.E.D.
5O.N.G.E.K.I. R.E.D. +
6O.N.G.E.K.I. bright
7O.N.G.E.K.I. bright MEMORY


Several official songs are removed from the game due to licensing. To recover them, simply extract option(A001~A013).zip and into <ONGEKI_GAME_FOLDER>/package/option.

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Your final folder list should look like:

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Importer ​

In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python --game SDDT --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/folder --optfolder /path/to/game/option/folder

I am using O.N.G.E.K.I. bright MEMORY, so it's version 7.

python --game SDDT --version 7 --binfolder "r:\ROM-Staging\ongeki plus\ong\package" --optfolder "r:\ROM-Staging\ongeki plus\ong\package\mu3_Data"


Make sure to remove the trailing slash \ from the folder path!

The importer for O.N.G.E.K.I. will add all Cards, Music and Events to database, mostly used for Card Marker arcade game.

NOTE: The Importer is required for Card Maker.

Notes During Import ​

When reading the files from the game folder and extract the information into database using the importer, the file in titles\ongeki\ error out with the following two errors:

  • Card reading: Card.xml in package\mu3_Data\StreamingAssets\GameData\A000\card\ doesn't have a struct, but rather a string called Version.

    Example of one package\mu3_Data\StreamingAssets\GameData\A000\card\card000001\Card.xmlalt text

  • Reward file reading: Certain folders within package\mu3_Data\StreamingAssets\GameData\A000\reward\ doesn't have Reward.xml file

Apparently the ongeki plus game dump I downloaded from ArcadePunks are missing those files. So I simply ask the script to skip if if not found.

Fix 1alt text

Fix 2alt text

If all is well, you should see the following result

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Starting the Game ​

If you noticed that the game stuck at the following screen for more than 5 seconds, that means something is wrong. This happens because AMDaemon does not start normally. By default, some games such as ONGEKI will have All.Net Accounting enabled, which forces the OS to use an older OpenSSL version. On Intel CPU gen 10 or newer, there is a bug that cause this problem to crash and stuck at the waiting state.


Huge credits to the author that posted in游įŽŠå‰įš„æœ€åŽčŽžįŊŽ for his file and steps to get past this error.

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To solve this, we simply has to add OPENSSL system environment to the OS.

Search for env from your Windows start menu.

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It should open a dialog in Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

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Click the New button under System variables section.

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Add the following:

  • Variable name: OPENSSL_ia32cap
  • Variable value: ~0x20000000

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Make sure it is shown after added.

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Configure Game ​

Game Settings ​

Press F1 to enter the Test menu.

Select Game Settings.

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  • Disable Cabinet group
  • Set GP coin pattern (coin button doesn't work for some reason). This option will be DISABLED if you choose Indoor or Tournament in Indoor Mode.

Your final settings should look like

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When Indoor Mode is set to Indoor or Tournament, scanning card on physical Aime card reader will prompt a dialog box showing Aime card reader cannot be used when the system is configured as Indoor Mode play.

Calibrate Level ​

By default the game doesn't know the origin position of your cursor to decide which is the left or right zone. So we will have to calibrate it.

Select Level Settings from Test menu.

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Move your mouse cursor to the center, then press åˆæœŸč¨­åŽšãĢæˆģす

Move your mouse to the left, stop when the value of ãƒŦバãƒŧäŊįŊŽ is the same as 可動域čĒŋ整.

Repeat the step above, but move your mouse to the right this time.

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Select įĩ‚äē† when done.

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Aime Physical Card Reader ​

Connect to COM1.

Config ​

Config file is located in config/ongeki.yaml.

enabled_gachasEnter all gacha IDs for Card Maker to work, other than default may not work due to missing cards added to them
cryptoThis option is used to enable the TLS Encryption

Note: 1149 and higher are only for Card Maker 1.35 and higher and will be ignored on lower versions.

If you would like to use network encryption, the following will be required underneath but key, iv and hash are required:

  encrypted_only: False
    7: ["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000"]

Database upgrade ​

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date:

python upgrade

Troubleshooting ​

My screen orientation is horizontal and 1920x1080 resolution, and I can't see the lower part of the screen ​

Modify start.bat to use 1080x1080, you can then see at least most of the screen area. Though the upper part will not be visible.

inject -d -k mu3hook.dll mu3 -screen-fullscreen 0 -popupwindow -screen-width 1080 -screen-height 1080

The game crash as soon as I purchase GP ​


Delete < 145 number greater than the default 145, e.g. 190.

        elif version >= 135 and version < 190:  # Bright Memory
            internal_ver = OngekiConstants.VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT_MEMORY

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No game credits is added when I press the coin button ​

Make sure you apply update A001~A013 and A200 and put them in <ONGEKI_GAME_FOLDER>\package\option. Then import those data into the database again.

The game used to boot fine, but now it get Stucked at AIME during boot screen ​

Remove appdata/ram to clear any data changes then run start.bat again.

Reference ​