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Overview ​

Hypseus Singe is a fork of Matt Ownby's Daphne emulator, a multi-arcade LaserDisc emulator. I prefer this instead of original Daphne emulator for a lot of enhancements.

Supported Platforms:

  • American Laser Games
  • WoW Action Max
  • Daphne
  • Singe
  • Singe 2


  • Daphne requires roms because it emulates the whole arcade cabinet
  • Singe simulates arcade cabinet, so it doesn’t need actual game roms.
  • Need to convert Singe 2 game, e.g. .mp4 to .m2v

Downloads ​

Command Lines ​

The following additional, and reimplemented, arguments have been added to Hypseus Singe:

-bezel <lair.png>          [ Specify a png bezel in 'bezels' sub-folder    ]
-blank_blue                [ VLDP blank using YUV#1DEB6B                   ]
-blank_searches            [ VLDP blanking [adjust: -min_seek_delay]       ]
-blank_skips               [ VLDP blanking [adjust: -min_seek_delay]       ]
-force_aspect_ratio        [ Force 4:3 aspect ratio                        ]
-gamepad                   [ Enable SDL_GameController configuration       ]
-grabmouse                 [ Capture mouse in SDL window                   ]
-ignore_aspect_ratio       [ Ignore MPEG aspect ratio header [01B3]        ]
-keymapfile <flight.ini>   [ Specify an alternate hypinput.ini file        ]
-linear_scale              [ Enable linear filtering when scaling          ]
-novsync                   [ Disable VSYNC presentation on Renderer [crt]  ]
-original_overlay          [ Enable daphne style overlays (lair,ace,lair2) ]
-scalefactor <50-100>      [ Scale video display area [50-100]%            ]
-scanlines                 [ Simulate scanlines [adjust: -scanline_shunt]  ]
-scanline_alpha <1-255>    [ Adjust scanline alpha blending                ]
-scanline_shunt <2-10>     [ Shunt scanline spacing [adjust: -x -y]        ]
-scorebezel                [ Bezel layer software scoreboard               ]
-scorepanel                [ Enable software scoreboard in lair/ace/tq     ]
-scorepanel_position <x y> [ Adjust position of software_scorepanel        ]
-shiftx <-100 to 100>      [ Shift x-axis on video window [%]              ]
-shifty <-100 to 100>      [ Shift y-axis on video window [%]              ]
-tiphat                    [ Invert joystick SDL_HAT_UP and SDL_HAT_DOWN   ]
-usbscoreboard <args>      [ Enable USB serial support for scoreboard:     ]
                           [ Arguments: (i)mplementation, (p)ort, (b)aud   ]
-vertical_screen           [ Reorient calculations in logical fullscreen   ]
-vertical_stretch <1-24>   [ Overlay stretch (cliff/gtg only)              ]

-8bit_overlay              [ Restore original 8bit Singe overlays          ]
-blend_sprites             [ Restore BLENDMODE outline on Singe sprites    ]
-bootsilent                [ Mute sound during initVLDP() - if possible    ]
-js_range <1-20>           [ Adjust Singe joystick sensitivity: [def:5]    ]
-manymouse                 [ Enable ABS mouse input [lightguns] [gungames] ]
-nocrosshair               [ Request game does not display crosshairs      ]
-retropath                 [ Singe data path rewrites [.daphne]            ]
-sinden <1-10> <color>     [ Enable software border for lightguns          ]
                           [ Color: (w)hite, (r)ed, (g)reen, (b)lue or (x) ]

Alt-Enter                  [ Toggle fullscreen                             ]
Alt-Backspace              [ Toggle scanlines                              ]
[KEY_BUTTON3]              [ Toggle scoreboard display in lair/ace         ]
[KEY_COIN1]=|[KEY_START1]  [ Joystick hotkey combination for [KEY_QUIT]    ]
[KEY_TILT]                 [ Switch scorepanel display screen lair/ace/tq  ]

Enforce SDL Window context when Renderer auto-detection fails (no further extensions enabled):

-opengl                    [ Enable OpenGL SDL Window context              ]
-vulkan                    [ Enable Vulkan SDL Window instance             ]


  • texturestream [ Enable SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING ] -texturetarget [ Enable SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET (Default) ]

My Changes ​

  • Use reshade CRT effect
  • Use reshade to setup bezel instead of using hypseus -bezel commands
  • Cleaner batch scripting, e.g.
set "GAME_NAME=maddog"

:: Reshade Bezels
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

COPY .\bezels\singe\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
COPY .\bezels\singe\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

:: Launch Game
hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\%GAME_NAME%\%GAME_NAME%.txt -script singe\%GAME_NAME%\%GAME_NAME%.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 -js_range 7

ROM Folder ​

Emulator root folder.

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Daphne ROMS roms folder. The rom size should be very small here, usually in KB size.

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Daphne vldp folder.

Game folder here should be very large, usually in GB size.

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Singe 1 singe folder.

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Singe 2 singe2 folder.

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Game Launcher Batch Scripts ​

Windows batch script examples.

Action Max Games

set "GAME_NAME=38ambushalley"

:: Reshade Bezels
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

COPY .\bezels\actionmax\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
COPY .\bezels\actionmax\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

:: Launch Game
hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\actionmax\%GAME_NAME%.txt -script singe\actionmax\%GAME_NAME%.singe -fullscreen -volume_nonvldp 20 -volume_vldp 80 -nolinear_scale -manymouse

Singe games

set "GAME_NAME=pussinboots"

:: Reshade Bezels
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

COPY .\bezels\singe\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
COPY .\bezels\singe\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

:: Launch Game
hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\%GAME_NAME%\%GAME_NAME%.txt -script singe\%GAME_NAME%\%GAME_NAME%.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 -js_range 7 -scalefactor 80

Singe 2 games

set "GAME_NAME=Astroboy"
set "GAME_DIR=Astroboy"
set "SINGE_DIR=singe2"

:: Reshade Bezels
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

COPY .\bezels\singe2\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
COPY .\bezels\singe2\%GAME_NAME%.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png

:: Launch Game
hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile %SINGE_DIR%\%GAME_DIR%\%GAME_NAME%.txt -script %SINGE_DIR%\%GAME_DIR%\%GAME_NAME%.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites -volume_nonvldp 20 -volume_vldp 80 -js_range 7 -scalefactor 80

RocketLauncher Setup ​


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Singe 2

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Launchbox Setup ​

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